Saturday, November 29, 2008

Run Your Car On Water To Save Gas And Money

Run your car on water - at first it sounds like a science fiction or a gas company's biggest nightmare. However, stories are popping up everywhere, even on Fox News, about this phenomenon that promises to dramatically reduce your gas usage and, as a result, to save you hundreds of dollars a month. Before you decide whether you want to attempt converting your car so it can run on water, you may want to learn a little bit more about the process.

How Does a Car Run on Water?

First, you need to understand that your car won't run solely on water. What you're actually going to create is known as a water hybrid. If you remember high school chemistry, you'll probably recall that water consists of two molecules: hydrogen and oxygen. A process known as electrolysis is used on the water so the hydrogen and oxygen can be used to run the car. Water vapor is the only waste product and that is emitted from the car into the atmosphere.

Is the Process Dangerous?

The answer is no. Of course, you don't want to ignite the hydrogen or anything like that but really the process is no more dangerous than driving around with gasoline in your tank. Some experts believe using water can actually make your car safer because you won't be carrying around as much volatile gasoline in your car. Think of it this way: you can get burned from boiling water but when gasoline ignites you get plenty more than a burn.

Does the Process Really Save Money?

Yes but how much you save depends on the type of vehicle you have. Remember you'll still need to use gasoline in your vehicle because the combustion in the engine is what powers the rest of the water hybrid process. You just won't need to use as much gas. The larger your vehicle the more gas you're still going to need. If you already drive a fuel efficient car or a four cylinder vehicle, then you'll see a more dramatic reduction than if you're driving an SUV or mammoth truck. That's not to say you won't save money - you still will but you'll need to use more gas in comparison to fuel the process. You might also save money in other ways though. Water burns cooler than gasoline so your engine will end up lasting longer and undergoing less damage over time. That means you'll save money on repairs.

How Can I Make my Car Run on Water?

First, you'll need a conversion guide. These guides can be purchased online. Videos are also available on the Internet that will walk you through the steps. If you or someone you know is comfortable with basic car maintenance, then completing the conversion should be no problem. Second, you'll need to purchase some equipment. The materials required will probably cost you less than filling up your tank at current gas prices. You can find them at most auto part stores on- or off-line. Overall, the conversion process is simple and provides numerous benefits. The best part is that it's completely reversible so if you're unhappy with the results you don't have to live with the change until you buy a different car.

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